Monday, March 11, 2013

Does Anyone Know a Good Plumber? I've Got the Block

Ahhhhhhh! It's writer's block. I haven't written in almost a month. I've got the block. I have four posts started and no flow to my mojo. Shit fire, where is my write like a mother fucker attitude? Where is my juice, my flame, my FOCUS?

I've been studying for boards, and wrapped up in a new man, and letting go of another. I've submitted two flash non-fiction essays for publication. I've been laughing and dancing with my beasts who simultaneously drive me crazy, make my heart want to burst out of my chest, and embarrass me in front of our new neighbors with their hideous bickering. I've been so in love with my life that I can't even believe that I am living it. Yet I cannot finish a post. I cannot get the love and life to flow from my heart and my head to my fingers and onto the keys of my Macbook.

I will write, just give me a minute. One minute to suck up this kick ass life and hold it in my belly. Give me a minute to savor my life. Then I'll come back, all drunk and silly, and spit it right in your face.